losoto package¶
- losoto.operations package
- Submodules
- losoto.operations.abs module
- losoto.operations.bandpasstec module
- losoto.operations.clip module
- losoto.operations.clocktec module
- losoto.operations.deleteaxis module
- losoto.operations.directionscreen module
- losoto.operations.duplicate module
- losoto.operations.example module
- losoto.operations.faraday module
- losoto.operations.flag module
- losoto.operations.flagextend module
- losoto.operations.flagstation module
- losoto.operations.frjump module
- losoto.operations.globaldelay module
- losoto.operations.interpolate module
- losoto.operations.interpolatedirections module
- losoto.operations.lofarbeam module
- losoto.operations.norm module
- losoto.operations.plot module
- losoto.operations.plotscreen module
- losoto.operations.polalign module
- losoto.operations.prefactor_XYoffset module
- losoto.operations.prefactor_bandpass module
- losoto.operations.reference module
- losoto.operations.replicateonaxis module
- losoto.operations.reset module
- losoto.operations.residuals module
- losoto.operations.reweight module
- losoto.operations.screenvalues module
- losoto.operations.smooth module
- losoto.operations.splitleak module
- losoto.operations.stationscreen module
- losoto.operations.structure module
- losoto.operations.tec module
- losoto.operations.tecjump module
- losoto.operations.tecsinglefreq module
- Module contents
- losoto.tests package
losoto.h5parm module¶
- losoto.h5parm.openSoltab(h5parmFile, solsetName=None, soltabName=None, address=None, readonly=True)¶
Convenience function to get a soltab object from an h5parm file and an address like “solset000/phase000”.
- Parameters
h5parmFile (str) – H5parm filename.
solsetName (str) – solset name
soltabName (str) – soltab name
address (str) – solset/soltab name (to use in place of the parameters solset and soltab).
readonly (bool, optional) – if True the table is open in readonly mode, by default True.
- Returns
A solution table object.
- Return type
Soltab obj
- class losoto.h5parm.h5parm(h5parmFile, readonly=True, complevel=0, complib='zlib')¶
Create an h5parm object.
- Parameters
h5parmFile (str) – H5parm filename.
readonly (bool, optional) – if True the table is open in readonly mode, by default True.
complevel (int, optional) – compression level from 0 to 9 when creating the file, by default 5.
complib (str, optional) – library for compression: lzo, zlib, bzip2, by default zlib.
- close()¶
Close the open table.
- makeSolset(solsetName=None, addTables=True)¶
Create a new solset, if the provided name is not given or exists then it falls back on the first available sol###.
- Parameters
solset (str) – Name of the solution set.
addTables (bool, optional) – If True add antenna/direction/array tables, by default True.
- Returns
Newly created solset object.
- Return type
solset obj
- getSolsets()¶
Get all solution set objects.
- Returns
A list of all solsets objects.
- Return type
- getSolsetNames()¶
Get all solution set names.
- Returns
A list of str of all solsets names.
- Return type
- getSolset(solset)¶
Get a solution set with a given name.
- Parameters
solset (str) – Name of the solution set.
- Returns
Return solset object.
- Return type
solset obj
- printInfo(filter=None, verbose=False)¶
Used to get readable information on the h5parm file.
- Parameters
filter (str, optional) – Solution set name to get info for
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, return additional info on axes
- Returns
Returns a string with info about H5parm contents.
- Return type
- class losoto.h5parm.Solset(solset)¶
Create a solset object
- Parameters
solset (pytables group) – The solution set pytables group object
- close()¶
- delete()¶
Delete this solset.
- rename(newname, overwrite=False)¶
Rename this solset.
- Parameters
newname (str) – New solution set name.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Overwrite existing solset with same name.
- makeSoltab(soltype=None, soltabName=None, axesNames=[], axesVals=[], chunkShape=None, vals=None, weights=None, parmdbType='', weightDtype='f16')¶
Create a Soltab into this solset.
- Parameters
soltype (str) – Solution-type (e.g. amplitude, phase)
soltabName (str, optional) – The solution-table name, if not specified is generated from the solution-type
axesNames (list) – List with the axes names
axesVals (list) – List with the axes values (each is a separate np.array)
chunkShape (list, optional) – List with the chunk shape
vals (numpy array) – Array with shape given by the axesVals lenghts
weights (numpy array) – Same shape of the vals array 0->FLAGGED, 1->MAX_WEIGHT
parmdbType (str) – Original parmdb solution type
weightDtype (str) – THe dtype of weights allowed values are (‘f16’ or ‘f32’ or ‘f64’)
- Returns
Newly created soltab object
- Return type
soltab obj
- getSoltabs(useCache=False, sel={})¶
Get all Soltabs in this Solset.
- Parameters
useCache (bool, optional) – soltabs obj will use cache, by default False
sel (dict, optional) – selection dict, by default no selection
- Returns
List of solution tables objects for all available soltabs in this solset
- Return type
- getSoltabNames()¶
Get all Soltab names in this Solset.
- Returns
List of str for all available soltabs in this solset.
- Return type
- getSoltab(soltab, useCache=False, sel={})¶
Get a soltab with a given name.
- Parameters
soltab (str) – A solution table name.
useCache (bool, optional) – Soltabs obj will use cache, by default False.
sel (dict, optional) – Selection dict, by default no selection.
- Returns
A solution table obj.
- Return type
soltab obj
- getAnt()¶
Get the antenna subtable with antenna names and positions.
- Returns
Available antennas in the form {name1:[position coords], name2:[position coords], …}.
- Return type
- getSou()¶
Get the source subtable with direction names and coordinates.
- Returns
Available sources in the form {name1:[ra,dec], name2:[ra,dec], …}.
- Return type
- getAntDist(ant=None)¶
Get antenna distance to a specified one.
- Parameters
ant (str (optional)) – An antenna name. If None, then w.r.t. the antennas centroid.
- Returns
Dict of distances to each antenna. The distance with the antenna “ant” is 0.
- Return type
- class losoto.h5parm.Soltab(soltab, useCache=False, args={})¶
- Parameters
soltab (pytables Table obj) – Pytable Table object.
useCache (bool, optional) – Cache all data in memory, by default False.
**args (optional) – Used to create a selection. Selections examples: axisName = None # to select all axisName = xxx # to select ONLY that value for an axis axisName = [xxx, yyy, zzz] # to selct ONLY those values for an axis axisName = ‘xxx’ # regular expression selection axisName = {min: xxx} # to selct values grater or equal than xxx axisName = {max: yyy} # to selct values lower or equal than yyy axisName = {min: xxx, max: yyy} # to selct values greater or equal than xxx and lower or equal than yyy
- delete()¶
Delete this soltab.
- rename(newname, overwrite=False)¶
Rename this soltab.
- Parameters
newname (str) – New solution table name.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Overwrite existing soltab with same name.
- setCache(val, weight)¶
Set cache values.
- Parameters
val (array) –
weight (array) –
- getSolset()¶
This is used to obtain the parent solset object to e.g. get antennas or create new soltabs.
- Returns
A solset obj.
- Return type
solset obj
- getAddress()¶
Get the “solset000/soltab000” type string for this Soltab.
- Returns
The solset/soltab address of self.obj as a string.
- Return type
- clearSelection()¶
Clear selection, all values are now considered.
- setSelection(update=False, **args)¶
- Set a selection criteria. For each axes there can be a:
string: regexp
list: use only the listed values
dict: with min/max/[step] to select a range.
- Parameters
**args – Valid axes names of the form: pol=’XX’, ant=[‘CS001HBA’,’CS002HBA’], time={‘min’:1234,’max’:’2345’,’step’:4}.
update (bool) – Only update axes passed as arguments, the rest is maintained. Default: False.
- getType()¶
Get the solution type of this Soltab.
- Returns
Return the type of the solution-tables (e.g. amplitude).
- Return type
- getAxesNames()¶
Get axes names.
- Returns
A list with all the axis names in the correct order for slicing the getValuesGrid() reurned matrix.
- Return type
- getAxisLen(axis, ignoreSelection=False)¶
Return an axis lenght.
- Parameters
axis (str) – The name of the axis.
ignoreSelection (bool, optional) – If True returns the axis lenght without any selection active, by default False.
- Returns
The axis lenght.
- Return type
- getAxisType(axis)¶
Return the axis dtype
- Parameters
axis (str) – The name of the axis.
- Returns
The axis dtype.
- Return type
- getAxisValues(axis, ignoreSelection=False)¶
Get the values of a given axis.
- Parameters
axis (str) – The name of the axis.
ignoreSelection (bool, optional) – If True returns the axis values without any selection active, by default False.
- Returns
A copy of all values present along a specific axis.
- Return type
- setAxisValues(axis, vals)¶
Set the value of a specific axis
- Parameters
axis (str) – The name of the axis.
vals (array) – Values
- setValues(vals, selection=None, weight=False)¶
Save values in the val grid
- Parameters
vals (array, float) – values to write as an n-dimentional array which match the selection dimention if a float is passed or the selected data are set to that value
selection (selection format, optional) – To set only a subset of data, overriding global selectioan, by default use global selection. This is used to set values in a loop of getValueIter(). Global seclection is NOT overwritten.
weight (bool, optional) – If true store in the weights instead that in the vals, by default False
- flush()¶
Copy cached values into the table
- getValues(retAxesVals=True, weight=False, refAnt=None, refDir=None)¶
Creates a simple matrix of values. Fetching a copy of all selected rows into memory.
- Parameters
retAxesVals (bool, optional) – If true returns also the axes vals as a dict of: {‘axisname1’:[axisvals1],’axisname2’:[axisvals2],…}. By default True.
weight (bool, optional) – If true get the weights instead that the vals, by defaul False.
refAnt (str, optional) – In case of phase or rotation solutions, reference to this station name. By default no reference. If “closest” reference to the closest antenna. If “auto” select automatically from least flagged and closest to the centre
refDir (str, optional) – In case of phase or rotation solutions, reference to this Direction. By default no reference. If “center”, reference to the central direction.
- Returns
A numpy ndarray (values or weights depending on parameters) If selected, returns also the axes values
- Return type
- getValuesIter(returnAxes=[], weight=False, refAnt=None, refDir=None)¶
Return an iterator which yields the values matrix (with axes = returnAxes) iterating along the other axes. E.g. if returnAxes are [‘freq’,’time’], one gets a interetion over all the possible NxM matrix where N are the freq and M the time dimensions. The other axes are iterated in the getAxesNames() order. Note that all the data are fetched in memory before returning them one at a time. This is quicker.
- Parameters
returnAxes (list) – Axes of the returned array, all _others_ will be cycled on each element combinations.
weight (bool, optional) – If true return also the weights, by default False.
refAnt (str) – In case of phase solutions, reference to this station name.
refDir (str) – In case of phase solutions, reference to this direction name.
- Returns
1) data ndarray of dim=dim(returnAxes) and with the axes ordered as in getAxesNames()
2) (if weight == True) weight ndarray of dim=dim(returnAxes) and with the axes ordered as in getAxesNames()
3) a dict with axis values in the form
{‘axisname1’ ([axisvals1],’axisname2’:[axisvals2],…})
4) a selection which should be used to write this data back using a setValues()
- autoRefAnt()¶
Get the least flagged antennas usign the 10 closest to the array centre
- addHistory(entry, date=True)¶
Adds entry to the table history with current date and time
Since attributes cannot by default be larger than 64 kB, each history entry is stored in a separate attribute.
- Parameters
entry (str) – entry to add to history list
- getHistory()¶
Get the soltab history.
- Returns
The table history as a string with each entry separated by newlines.
- Return type
losoto.lib_losoto module¶
- class losoto.lib_losoto.LosotoParser(parsetFile)¶
A parser for losoto parset files.
- Parameters
parsetFile (str) – Name of the parset file.
- checkSpelling(s, soltab, availValues=[])¶
check if any value in the step is missing from a value list and return a warning
- getstr(s, v, default=None)¶
- getbool(s, v, default=None)¶
- getfloat(s, v, default=None)¶
- getint(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarray(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarraystr(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarraybool(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarrayfloat(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarrayint(s, v, default=None)¶
- getarrayfloat2d(s, v, default=None)¶
Alternative to parse 1,2 or ndim array input. ‘getarrayfloat() does not support more than 1 dim. TODO: it might be cleaner to unify these functions…
- losoto.lib_losoto.getParAxis(parser, step, axisName)¶
Axes values can be selected with: - an array of values - a string (reg exp): passed as axisName.regexp = … - a min,max,step format: passed as axisName.minmaxstep = …
- Parameters
parser (parser obj) – configuration file
step (str) – this step
axisName (str) – an axis name
- Returns
a selection criteria
- Return type
str, dict or list
- losoto.lib_losoto.getStepSoltabs(parser, step, H)¶
Return a list of soltabs object for a step and apply selection creteria
- Parameters
parser (parser obj) – configuration file
step (str) – current step
H (h5parm obj) – the h5parm object
- Returns
list of soltab obj with applied selection
- Return type
- losoto.lib_losoto.deprecated_alias(**aliases)¶
- losoto.lib_losoto.rename_kwargs(func_name, kwargs, aliases)¶
losoto.lib_operations module¶
- class losoto.lib_operations.multiprocManager(procs=0, funct=None)¶
- class multiThread(inQueue, outQueue, funct)¶
This class is a working thread which load parameters from a queue and return in the output queue
- run()¶
Method to be run in sub-process; can be overridden in sub-class
- put(args)¶
Parameters to give to the next jobs sent into queue
- get()¶
Return all the results as an iterator
- wait()¶
Send poison pills to jobs and wait for them to finish The join() should kill all the processes
- losoto.lib_operations.reorderAxes(a, oldAxes, newAxes)¶
Reorder axis of an array to match a new name pattern.
- Parameters
a (np array) – The array to transpose.
oldAxes (list of str) – A list like [‘time’,’freq’,’pol’]. It can contain more axes than the new list, those are ignored. This is to pass to oldAxis the soltab.getAxesNames() directly even on an array from getValuesIter()
newAxes (list of str) – A list like [‘time’,’pol’,’freq’].
- Returns
With axis transposed to match the newAxes list.
- Return type
np array
- losoto.lib_operations.removeKeys(dic, keys=[])¶
Remove a list of keys from a dict and return a new one.
- Parameters
dic (dcit) – The input dictionary.
keys (list of str) – A list of arguments to remove or a string for single argument.
- Returns
Dictionary with removed keys.
- Return type
- losoto.lib_operations.normalize_phase(phase)¶
Normalize phase to the range [-pi, pi].
- Parameters
phase (array of float) – Phase to normalize.
- Returns
Normalized phases.
- Return type
array of float
losoto.lib_unwrap module¶
- losoto.lib_unwrap.unwrap_fft(phase, iterations=3)¶
Unwrap phase using Fourier techniques.
For details, see: Marvin A. Schofield & Yimei Zhu, Optics Letters, 28, 14 (2003)
Keyword arguments: phase – array of phase solutions iterations – number of iterations to perform
- losoto.lib_unwrap.unwrap(phase, window_size=5)¶
Unwrap phase by estimating the trend of the phase signal.
- losoto.lib_unwrap.unwrap_huib(x, window=10, alpha=0.01, iterations=3, clip_range=[170.0, 180.0])¶
Unwrap the x array, if it is shorter than 2*window, use np.unwrap()
- losoto.lib_unwrap.dct2(arr, inverse=False)¶
- losoto.lib_unwrap.laplacian(arr, inverse=False)¶
- losoto.lib_unwrap.unwrap_2d(arr, flags=None, coord_x=None, coord_y=None)¶
if flags are specified do interp